Friday, July 27, 2007

Blog Apres' Quiz

1. What did you like the most about this course?

What I liked the most about this course was the limited time we have to finish the assignments and homework. All assignments and homework are due at midnight on Friday nights. Therefore, giving me a weekend without worries. This forced me to do my homework and assignments straight away to get them in on time. I also liked the way we post blogs on a website to hand in our homework. It is very neat and eligible. Also, I have easy access to the information on the website because I have a computer at home. I enjoyed the presentations given by the three speakers. The presentations were very interesting and provided a lot of valuable information.

2. What did you like the least about this course? (other than the teacher)

What I liked the least about this course are the constant assignments and homework given each day. I also disliked the way we have to face the computer for four hours each day. Furthermore, I did not enjoy the gruesome videos this course required us to watch, but these videos did teach me something important to know.

3. What would you change to make it better?

I would change the way students have to face the computers for four consecutive hours each day because it is bad for the students' eyes.

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