Friday, July 6, 2007

Personality Tests Article- Blog #3

1. As if school tests were not enough, once you get out into the real world chances are you will be subjected to a test to get a job. What is your opinion of this practice by employers? Is it reasonable, fair, scary...?
In my opinion, to take a test to get a job is not reasonable and unfair. This is because the personality tests might not be accurate. Therefore, the result of the personality test might not show in the employee's performance at work. If a person looses a job due to a mistake on a test, I think it is unfair. Also, overtime everyone will find out the correct answers to the personality test through friends and do very well on the test. The people can do research on the personality tests and score very high on it, but doing more research does not mean the job they apply for is the right one. However, I also personally believe that a test cannot be scary because students are familiar with tests they take in their school years. These personality tests will allow people to learn more about themselves in various ways, so they know which area they should improve on.

2. Why is it reasonable or perhaps even wise to subject/introduce you to the type of testing you may encounter in the real world?
It is reasonable or perhaps even wise to subject or introduce me to the type of testing I may encounter in the real world because I would know what to expect in the future. I might encounter challenges when I apply for a job or a university. Therefore, I have to learn the type of testings in the real world earlier rather than later to be prepared. I will gain an advantage that way.

3. Even if these tests you have taken sound nothing like how you believe yourself to be, how can they still be useful?

If these tests I have taken sound nothing like how I believe myself to be, they can still be useful when I analyze the answers and find out why I think the results do not suit me. The results might contain something that I do not know about myself and I can use this information to improve. I will use the results of the personality test to learn more about myself to put my strengths into good use. After I learn more about myself, I will have more confidence. In addition, these results of the personality tests can help me determine the appropriate carreer for me.

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