Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Define sex
Secual activities: activities associated with sezual intercourse

Purpose of sex
  • Procreation
  • To become "one" with partner
  • To get pleasure
  • Satisfy Psychological need


  • 37% of teens surveyed are waiting until they get married to have sex
  • 28% of teens 15-17 have reported having intercourse at least once by age 20-24 this increases to 80%
  • 41% of males 15-17 have reported having more than one sexual partner int he previous year
  • 29% of females 15-17 have reported having more than one sexual partner in the precious year
  • Average age both male a female have sex for the first time in Canada is 16.5
  • 30% of grade 9 students and 54% of grade 11 students used the pill last time they had intercourse
  • 29% of males 15-19 and 44% of males 20-24 do not use condoms
  • teenagers who drink alcohol are more likely to have sex than youths who do not drink
  • heavy alcohol use tripled the likelihood of teenage sexual activity among white males

So what can be considered sex?

Depends on

  • personal values

- Culture/religion

- Peers

- Parents

STI's are acquired by

Contact with

  • Blood
  • Semen
  • Vaginal Secretions


  • Oral sex
  • Vaginal sex
  • Anal sex
  • Sharing needles

Best ways to protect yourself

  • Abstinence
  • Test before sex
  • Condom use
  • Dental Dam use
  • Open communication with partner
  • Reduce # of partners

Rights of passage

  • Drivers license 16
  • Sign up for military service 16
  • Right to vote 18
  • Legal drinking age 19
  • Age of consent 14

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