Monday, July 23, 2007

Character Profile

Name: Mary
Age: 26
Place of birth: Vancouver
Education: Elementary school
Prostitution: Since 16 years old
Drug History: 1.Cigarette 2. Pot 3. Cocaine 4. Heroin
Years from experimentation to addiction: 1

Mary was a smart and athletic girl until she started skipping school with new friends she made at school. After a month or so, she ran away from home due to stress and pressure her family brought on her because of her failing grades. She dropped out of grade 7 in elementary school when she was 13. When she wandered the streets wondering where to go, she spotted her new friends huddled in a corner on the streets smoking cigarettes and taking drugs. Mary was horrified since she didn't know her new friends did such things. One of her friends spotted her and dragged Mary towards her new friends. Mary was scared, but explained what happened. Then she was offered a cigarette to relax and calm down from running away. Mary took it because she knew her friends were going to help her find a place to stay. Her friends then talked her into taking a little puff of pot. At first Mary refused, but her friends dared her to try some, so she did. The next thing she knew, she was smoking more and more pot. Her friends then took Mary to a house to party where there were many alcoholics and drug addicts. Her friends introduced Mary to many boys and one of them offered Mary some cocaine. Mary refused politely. After a while, her friends left her with a boy to talk to other people. Mary was really scared. The boy who sat with her told Mary that she was pretty, then offered her cocaine again. Mary was too scared to refuse, therefore she took some. Mary hung out with the boy very often the next week. She felt safe around him because the boy was tall and handsome. Before Mary knew, she was injecting heroin into her body. She lived at the boy's friends house. There were a lot of other girls who lived there. Mary never realized that the house she was living in was owned by a pimp. One day, the pimp came by and told Mary that she owed him 2000 dollars for the cocaine and heroin her boyfriend provided her. When she was 16, she became a prostitude because she needed drugs more and more each day, but had no other way of obtaining drugs. She was 26 years old when she died from a gun shooting on the streets.

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