Monday, July 9, 2007

Secrets of Grade A students

1. List all the "secrets" of academic success you can find this selection.
There are a lot of "secrets" of academic success in this selection. Firstly, support from family and friends is one of the "secrets". Children will feel they live in a supportive environment when parents attend school events to be supportive for a child's victories. Also, parents have to act as good role models for their children and encourage them to ask questions. The punishments parents give should not be severe, so the children will not be afraid of their parents. Secondly, students who put forth a lot of hard work, have fun learning, learn from their mistakes, take criticisms well, set goals, do their best, take risks and are not afraid to explore with critical analysis have an advantage over other kids. These students have a passion for learning. They should be involved in sports and in extracurricular activities to maintain a good health. Thirdly, students have to enjoy being active and persistent. Furthermore, a broad fund of knowledge is required to be successful academically. Students might find incorporating learning into everyday life easy. Gaining more experiences in the world through exploration will extend the students' knowledge. Lastly, students who do not skip class and wants to know how to get better set goal to improve themselves in various ways. Being confident, competitive, organized and focused are all "secrets" of academic success.
2. Do the academic goals you have set out for yourself, contain or reflect any of the "secrets" of academic success mentioned in this selection. If so explain how. If not, how could you change your goals to incorporate the "secrets" mentioned?
The academic goals I have set out for myself contain and reflect the "secrets" of academic success mentioned in this selection because my goals are organized and well planned. I try to get involved in sports teams, clubs or organizations, and community activities. Also, I try to maintain high academic standards. I enjoy learning through experiences or explorations. I would like to expand my knowlege, so I will have more topics to talk about with other people. I am hardworking and I try my best. I learn better from my mistakes and I have a passion for learning. However, sometimes I do not take critisisms that well. Therefore, I have to work on that area of my personality. Furthermore, I have a very shy personality, so I have to train myself to be more confident.