Wednesday, July 4, 2007


1. How do you define success now?
I define success as something hard to obtain. I personally believe success sometimes make other people jealous. To be successful, you have to attend a university with excellent courses to gain a job with a high income. You also need to work hard and to know how to spend money moderately. If you spend more than you earn, I do not think that will bring success. Being successful requires a lot of planning as well. Success can also be brought through influences from your friends or families. People throughout your lifetime might help you to your road to success and some might want you to fail. Therefore, you have to know who to trust and who to not trust. Success can be gained in various ways in life and success can be in many forms. It all depends on yourself.

2. How will you define it in your adult life?
In my adult life I might define success as having a happy family and living an affordable life. I would want my children to receive a good education and be involved in many activities outside of school. I should have a steady job with a high income to provide a good environment for my children to live in. I also believe giving back to the community I live in is very important to being successful. Community work such as joining environmental organizations and helping the elderly are ways to become successful. In my opinion, being successful does not mean being rich and famous. Many famous and rich people are very full of themselves, therefore I do not think being like them as being successful.

3. How do you measure your successes?
I measure my successes with the goals I achieve and the services I provide to the community. I might compare my income and my outcome to measure my success, but it also depends on the education I receive and the amount of work you put into things. I believe community service recognitions and awards are not important to being successful. The most significant thing is the help I provide to the people in the community who need the help. The rewards do not matter much to me. The second most important thing is the satisfaction I receive after giving back to the community and trying my hardest in things.

4. With consideration of our discussion about the secrets to success, in which area are you the strongest and in which areas are you the weakest?
With consideration of our discussion about the secrets to success, I am the strongest in the area of attitude. This is because I always have a positive attitude and I try to think on the bright side when something bad happens. When I'm given a difficult task to accomplish, I will give it everything I have to finish the task. I do not give up easily. I treat people with kindness and I try to get my friends to be involved in activities in school. However, I am the weakest in the area of aptitude because I do not usually put my ability to good use. I sometimes give up on certain activities outside of school due to my dislikes. My parents always encourage me to pursue my dreams, so I am allowed to drop out of activities I do not like. I think I should try to improve in the area of aptitude tremendously.

5. Is there anything else you think should be considered as a "secret" to success?
I think trying your best is a "secret" to success because success is something very difficult to obtain. Many people want to be successful without trying, but they do not realize that large amount of work has to be input. Furthermore, believing is another important aspect to being successful. To be confident in being successful, you will eventually be successful through hard work.

6. What would you consider a personal success in the following areas, during your grade 10 year?
I would consider contributing to clubs in school a personal success in the following areas during my grade 10 year. I also consider being supportive and attentive a great goal to achieve next year. In addition, I would respect my teachers, complete all my assignments, be on time, be on task, and improve in areas I'm weak at. Next year, I will join sports team and clubs to be more supportive towards my school. Besides community work, I want to maintain high academic standards in all subjects. I would like to develop a group of trustworthy friends in school next year so we can study togther.


  • A complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways


  • Inherent ability


  • An internalized desire to succeed in an any given activity or pursuit

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