Wednesday, July 4, 2007

High School Is a 'Waste of time,' U.S. Educator says

1. Do you think grade 10 is an appropriate grade for students to finish secondary school and move on into post-secondary school, vocational training, and working world? Choose one of the three options (post-secondary school, vocational training, working world) and explain your answer.
As a grade 10 myself, I do not think grade 10 is an appropriate grade for students to finish secondary school and move on into post-secondary school. It maybe a great idea for a few specially talented people to move on at such an early age. However, I disagree to the idea for average kids to move on because of the pressure they might receive from assignments, projects, and work. In my opinion, many grade 10 students are not ready to be accepted into the real world yet. It is better for students to have more training and experience in life before they enter post-secondary school. Some grade 10 students need time to decide the subject they would like to study in post-secondary school. If the students make quick decisions, they might regret it later in life.

2. Do you agree with Mr. Botsteins statement "I'm not advocating interrupting education, but a mature 16-year old needs to have role models who are 20, 25, even 18 in the same class." Would it make a difference for 16 year old to have "role models" in the same classes. Explain your answer.
I do not agree with Mr. Botsteins statement "I'm not advocating interrupting education, but a mature 16-year old needs to have role models who are 20, 25, even 18 in the same classes. It would make a difference for 16 year old to have "role models" in the same classes. This is because the point of view of an 18-25 year old and the point of view of a 16 year old are radically different. 16 year old students have parents who are responsible for the activities and fees of their children. However, 18-25 year old students are considered as young adults. Their parents will not pay as much attention to them as they would with 16 year old. 18-25 year old students have to pay for their own cars, tuition money for college or university, food and other fees. Also, it is legal for 18 year old students to drink. 18-25 year old students have more freedom compared to a 16 year old. Young adults will bring a lot of influences to 16 year old students because young adults had experiences in the real world.

3. Do you agree or disagree with what Alan King says about kids not doing well due to lack of motivation, and that they have done poorly for a while? Explain your answer.
I disagree with what Alan King says about kids not doing well due to lack of motivation, and that they have done poorly for a while. I believe students who work hard in school will achieve great things and students who pays no attention in class will do very poorly. Academic achievements depend on the student himself or herself. If the student decides slacking off will work in his or her favour in the future, then it has nothing to do with the lack of motivation provided. On the other hand, if the student works hard and tries his or her best at everything, they would not feel sorry for themselves later in life if they do not succeed because they gave things everything they had. When the students enter university, the teachers will not force the students to do their work. The students either do it or they don't. Therefore, it is better for students to be independent earlier rather than later.

4. What kinds of jobs will be waiting for 16 year olds entering the workforce according to Alan King? What kinds of jobs do you think should be available to 16 year olds?
According to Alan King, exploitative jobs will be waiting for 16 year olds entering the workforce. Since the 16 year olds do not have the knowledge or experience of an adult, I also believe exploitative jobs should be the only jobs available to a 16 year old. The companies which hire these 16 year olds will make use of these employees selfishly and unethically. They will employ to the greatest possible advantage. Many of these companies depend on young teenage employees to run their stores because teenagers have little experiences with work. The companies might ask the teenagers to do tough tasks that adults will refuse to do.

5. Give your overall impression of the issue being discussed. Is this a relevant topic to be discussed by students for this course?
I strongly disagree the idea that high school is a waste of time because the education students receive during the years in high school will prepare the students for their years in post-secondary school. According to Leon Botstein, president of Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, the secondary school system is "boring". This may be true, but he may not realize this "boring" part of secondary school provide the material students need to move on to college or university. Leon Botstein also believed teenagers are capable of work and capable of taking responsibility, therefore they should be accepted into the adult world earlier. I do not agree because the mind of a teenager requires experiences and knowlege to develope in order to survive in the adult world. If 16 year old students study in a mixd-age learning environment, there could be positive or negative influences brought to the 16 year old students. I disagree with Alan King's comment, "The kids who don't do well not only lack motivation, but usually they've done badly for a while". This is because I believe school grades most often reflect the effort you put into classes. This is a relevant topic to be discussed by students for this course.


Alt Educator said...

Well thought out 12/12

Alt Educator said...

Good work on this post too. 12/12

I am missing the goals post???