Wednesday, July 18, 2007

GAB & other stuff

1.What was the topic of yesterdays presentation. Explain!

The topic of yesterdays presentation was mainly about accepting people who has differences. We learned that we should treat each other equally without judging only on appearance and actions. Yesterday, we talked about gay and lesbian people who do not feel safe at school. The speaker told us that the most suicides are done by gay high school students who are outcasts in school groups. Therefore, we should help create a safer environment for these outcasts by accepting them for who they are. These people should not be punished for being who they are. Other people might bully these people, but the speaker taught us to stand up for these people.

2. What did you think of yesterday's guest speaker and topic?

I think yesterday's guest speaker was great. Being a lesbian herself, the speaker talked about her experiences in high school. It was very interesting to hear how she tried dating many guys to prove to herself that she isn't gay. In the end, she had to accept herself for who she is. She risked getting kicked out of the house by telling her mother that she was a lesbian. Furthermore, she played a game with us by giving us statements and asked us if we agreed or diagreed with the statement. Then, we had to explain why. This game we played developed many amazing conversations in our class.

3. Did yesterday's guest speaker change the way you thought about people who are different than you?

Yesterday's guest speaker changed the way I thought about people who are different than me. The speaker's presentation taught me that saying "that's so gay" is wrong because I am using gay people to represent everything that does not go right in my life. This statement is said very often out of people's mouths without meaning to offend gay people. It is hurtful for the gay people when other people use a part of them to describe things that suck.

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