Thursday, July 26, 2007


1. Define Lifestyle?
Lifestyle is a way an individual or group lives formed by different habits, attitudes, tasts, moral standards, and economic levels. Each individual has a different lifestyle depending on the way they plan things because lifestyle is the pattern of beviour in which individuals live life. The cost of each individual a month is different according to the things an individual needs and wants.

2. Do you want a better lifestyle then you have now, when you are independent from your parents?
I do not expect a better lifestyle then I have now when I am independent from my parents because I already live a great life.

3. Do you think you can provide yourself a lifestyle as good as you have now?
I think I can provide myself a lifestyle as good as I have now if I record my expenses to help me plan for my needs and wants. If I spend my money carefully, I believe I will have the ability to live a better life as good as I have now.

4. How much do you cost your parents every month?
Including water fee, electricity fee, food cost, house rent, school fee and the cost of materialistic goods, I cost my parents about 1000 dollars every month. I also participate in many extra curricular activies. Therefore, I owe my parents 200 dollars more a month.

5. How is your Post Secondary School going to be paid for?
My post secondary school is going to be paid for with my scholarship if I get one and with the money I saved up. My parents are going to pay for most of the tuition money, but I will have to earn some money myself.

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