Monday, July 9, 2007


1. What are your career goals?
My career goals include graduating high school, graduating university, getting a masters degree, getting a doctor's degree, and giving back to the community I lived in. I would like to be a doctor because I would like to help people. I plan to receive a good education in order to be successful in the future. I wish to have a high income so I will earn enough to support my family and maybe my friends. I will also be supportive towards environmental organizations and activities. My career goals may not be achieved the way I imagine them now because my interest might change.
2. If you don't have a specific career goal, what type of occupations interest you?
Being a lawyer, a doctor, a pharmacists, a dietitians, or a nutritionist interest me if I don't have a specific career goal. Most jobs related to health or medicines are appealing to me because I think giving back to the community through my job is important.
3. Did you discover any new occupations to consider by doing these quizzes? Which ones?
I discovered a number of different occupations to consider by doing the quizzes. For example, I learned that my personality and skills match with being a therapist, which is the reason why I would consider being a therapist. I need to know my patient's pyschology and I need to be courteuos to your client. Also, I might consider being an Insurance agent because I am interested in laws. Being an Insurance agent, I need computer skills and knowlege on Insurance products like new vechicle productions and road side plus packages. I would like to acquire a professional insurance destination. I feel that being an Insurance agent will improve my communication with people and my knowlege in motor vechicles. I will advice the costumers and protect their investments.