Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Wellness Test Blog

1. Prior to this exercise have you ever though about your "wellness"
a) Which areas?
Prior to this exercise, I have thought about my "wellness" in the intellectual, emotional, and physical areas, but not the spiritual, environmental, and social areas.
2. Which are your area(s) of greatest wellness and why do you think this it so?
My areas of great wellness are environmental and self care. I think this is so because I always recycle and rarely waste food. I enjoy planting plants and helping the environment. Furthermore, when I sense danger in something I plan to do, I will stop and think carefully about the consequences before putting things to action. This way I limit the chance of getting hurt.
3. Which is your area(s) of poorest level of wellness? Why do you think this is the case?
My intellectual is my poorest level of wellness. I think this is the case because I do not put my intellecutal skills to good use in the areas of my school work. Another reason would be that I am not hardworking enough.
4. What do you think you would need to do to make your results ideal?
I think I would need to work harder and continue to be environmentally friendly. I should do more sports and sleep earlier to be more healthy. Having more rest will make me concentrate better in class, do better in sports, and learn more. This way, my physical ability will improve.